Friday, January 8, 2021

before my eyes

this year. 
    (last year.)

my heart is humming a song that pulsates through and through in the way my
eyes dance over the creases in your face. i do not know how to read you,
but i have never been more willing to try. your face isn't a tell-all, so i resort to
your voice, high low, hesitations. your response, quick slow, intact. your hands,
near far, loose.
learning yet not coming close to even a speck of the fullness. 

you're a type of river. steady so goes my gaze, and steady so goes the change carving
you constantly. i can grasp the idea, but you run through my hands before my fingers
hit my palm. 

i trip up on the stones in your rockbed after wading for so long, and i am struck with
a thought that i hardly know who i am anymore. funny to say that for a girl whose 
confidence has only rocketed and started to steady after all these years. the notion doesn't
scare me. if anything, it's a semblance of soft pain. similar to a bleeding heartbeat,
but bleeding is the
wrong concept.
growing pains? oh, i thought those stopped once you hit a certain age. turns out,
it shifts into a different gear and it's not quite so much pajama pants two inches too short

still, when i look into your eyes, the song my heart hums is one i cannot silence,
even though it is one i still cannot sing. it is such a wonder to watch you carve
through the dirt and the roots and the mountains and the valleys. it is almost as if
i am tucked within a canoe, traveling upon your waters as each turn speaks
more of you who are. and as it goes unavoidable, each turn molds who i am to


friends! it has been such a long time. many apologies. but!! i finally got my hands on a laptop again and i hope to be settling back into this home of a blog. xx 


  1. This is so beautiful! Our Maker has given you a great gift!!! Wherever I read your poems, I want to read it again and again because there is so much there!!! :) Keep traveling upon His waters.....

    1. aw wow. you are so kind. :))) yes, all the words I write are given to me from Him. God is so good, isn't He? thank you. x


make it count. x