Thursday, January 14, 2021

long processor

my hands rub raw off the holds, so i give in before 8 and we head
home - is different every time i get back. i take the switchbacks on the backroads
but it seems they're building houses and the fields aren't as empty anymore.
i'm trying to lay out the problem before me into organized 
pieces - is all i see right now. hurt feigned as infliction when in reality
i think it was mostly my fault. i've never been good at apologies and i'm farther
than arms length from anyone who could help me out at the moment.

she screamed in the backseat and the certain pitch broke nothing but my
trust - for some reason i can't put together. it's more than that but less than i know
how to place rightly. i remember being caught breathless by dream lake, the softest
smile within my bones because there's nothing like the rocky 
mountains - for her, are something else than they are to me. i realized that a little
too late when i asked if it was worth the hustle and she shook her head,
shook my trust, once again. i wiped away the hurt off my cheeks on the way down.

my heart rubbed raw off the night, so i slid out of my chair before i needed to
turn around. have you ever not been able to hold the tears back? cuts like that bleed
different - is how i wished it turned out. the more settled, the more tight my throat gets
and i'm just riddled with sorry. i can keep the steadiness at surface level, but there are bits
of who i am deep stuck disproportionate. you came to know, but time wasn't on your
side - of disappointment is where we both land, i guess. the depth of my land takes the 
strides to learn and to decipher. i would have loved to sit beside you and not before you

to tell you.

there's heart in the way a cowboy knows his hills. there's heart in the way you load
the dishwasher before you go. there's heart in the way a door is softly closed.
there's heart in vulnerability, there's heart in hiding. i am so full of heart i hardly know
how to hold it in. come back again. this time to be, and not to go.



make it count. x