i bleed my favorite colors into the depths of their little eyes
it's the secrets we hold closest to our hearts that never see the light of day
so maybe if i carve a window into my ribs, they can
stick their grubby, glorious faces up against the glass and the dreams
will swirl in a wind of bright dust that has never faded
and it will be hard. because there have been times where i have trusted people
like when she told me she would - but never did. time after time. and even though
my throat was sore from heartblood crying,
she never knew. and him? he wrote me a letter acting as if everything was normal
until the last line when he said he was leaving forever
the people that i trusted most? i was twelve. and they left me in a parking lot all alone
this heart has been thrown to the ground and even the echo never comes
they are still small enough to fit within my sapphire shadow
so i take their trifling hands and tuck laughter into them in the form of
minor miracles. barefoot in the front yard, telling him that it's not right to lie,
his voice clearcuts across to my chest with an apology, achingly humble
then it all passes like the tide washing over the footprints on the shore
as we return to our game of tag
so even when i have to wipe the window in my ribs with a dirty cloth,
it is wetted with living water from the hole in his side
they are still so small, and the mustered hope in my soul is brighter than lightning,
teaching them that our fathers' callouses create safe havens
the fire plants a garden of ash for the strength & glory dreams to break forth
every swollen death in your kid heart will throw you against all that you know
but you will laugh with peach juice running down your chin on the hottest summer day you've
ever known and when the breeze strikes the sweat, you will find all the life
that has sprouted from chasm repentance and crescent belief